sabato 19 settembre 2015


by Massimo Colaiacomo

     It's a masked ball about the Senate's reform that occur amid Presidente Renzi and minority of his party PD. In the latest days many statement from spokesperson of minority PD and eminent minister have registered a sizable reduction of disagreement. Whether the bone of contention is sample, it is less sample to explain the solution. Let's see to understand. The Senate's reform is a constitutional law and it need a double approval, with three months between Senate and Chamber of Deputies. The present reform has been approved on the first time by Senate and by Chamber. According to parliamentary custom, the text should be approved two times still, but not changed it.
     The law calls for an indirect election for the senator, so changing a long custom of the direct election. Against this view, the minority of PD and other opposition party, like Forza Italia and Grillo call for the maintain the direct election for the Senate. Premier Renzi is decisive: he mean to go on, certain that minority his party will never achieve to provoke government's crisis. Renzi's government obtained a moderate success on the economic field with a sequence of the reform: from the Job's act to fiscal decrease of job's cost.
     If Premier Renzi will able to reach the Senate's reform without serious change, it's possibile for him looking for lengthen his minister until 2018, namely until to natural due date. Beyond the premier's means, the primary difficult for him is to maintain the concord of PD. Whether his party should divide, Renzi could find on the serious difficulties. Although it could arrive the help by Berlusconi's party because the old prime minister has never resolved his own judgment on the Renzi's government.
     The leadership PD is going to call next Monday. It will be the circumstance to understand the concord's level inside but it will be to understand above all if Renzi is still able to lead his own parliamentary majority. In view of this date to increase the messages for the agreement. The possible found unity of PD could make useless the votes of Forza Italia, ratifying the Berlusconi's sunset. 

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