by Massimo Colaiacomo
Troy's War won't occur: to this famous pièce written by Jean Giraudoux, the brilliant French writer of the 20/th century, we have thought yesterday after conclusion leadership PD. The PM Renzi has pretended the availability to the request of his minority about change the election's way of Senate, in exchange the left wing has pretended to have won his arm wrestling on the senator election.
It was a matter of typical minuet of Italian policy. It has been question of moot point: the Senator have to designed or elected? How is possible to find an agreement without change the text ratified by the Chamber of Deputies? To sum up, it has been found an agreement-not-agreement that not change the text of constitutional law but permits to the both front to say having won the game.
Explaining to the people not used to the Italian policy it's really difficult. In brief: constitutional reform have to establish the new way of election of the Senator. Renzi's opinion is sharp: stop direct election and change turn in favor indirect election, as in Germany or in Spain. Minority PD steel herself for maintain the old way election. To sum up, the compromise found consent both Renzi and left wing to claim having confirmed their own reasons.
Actually, Italian government come from this arm wrestling more determined. Although Renzi will bargain for the news parliamentary battles, beginning from economic policy. All index turn cautiously in favor although the recovery is still weak.
Right opposition parties have to pay steep price. Old PM Ms Silvio Berlusconi, after stepped by Putin in Crimea, goes on to be fait presence on the political scene.In the field of right, at the present, the primacy is firmly on the hand of Ms. Salvini, Lega's leader and known for his extreme behaviour. From this condition derive the confusion on the field of the Italian right. With his behaviour against Euro and European Union, Salvini can multiply his votes but will be impossibile to defeat Renzi for him.